Mar 1, 2024
Are your blood sugars high or increasing?
Have you been told you are pre-diabetic or insulin resistant?
On today's episode of the Nutrition's My Life Podcast, I'm helping
1. Understand what insulin resistance is
2. Why you should be mindful of your blood sugars
3. Provide you with 4 nutrition tools and 2 habit building
tools that can positively impact your blood sugars (and even
reverse prediabetes).
These 4 nutrition tools that help improve blood
sugars are:
*Choosing complex carbohydrates
* Pairing all carbs with a protein and/or fat source
* Having enough protein at your meal times (I even go over how much
protein someone should have per meal based on their height)
* Avoiding skipping meals / eating consistent throughout the
The 2 habit building tools are:
* Moving throughout the day
* Build muscle mass
These tools personally helped me improved my hemogloban A1C from
a 5.7% down to a 4.9% and I often see improvements with my patients
as well.
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