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Nutrition's My Life Podcast

Feb 25, 2022

Would you consider yourself the chronic dieter or yo yo dieting?

If so, this episode will help you improve your relationship with food and yourself. Today at Nutrition's My Life, we're talking about the barriers that we face when it comes to loving ourselves and trusting food.
Some may or may not surprise you.

Feb 11, 2022

Do you feel like you're doing really good with your nutrition but still feel like you're not quite there... like you aren't seeing your goals, still exhausted, and your labs aren't reflecting the hard work you're putting in?

The other side of to nutrition are your daily habits. 

On today's episode, I'm helping you see...

Feb 4, 2022

You have a thyroid disorder and want to eat better to feel better. 

You look into the AIP and freak out because it's so restrictive... what should you be eating with a thyroid disorder?!?

Last week we discussed the foundation anti-inflammatory diet and today I'm helping you understand the key nutrients the body...