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Nutrition's My Life Podcast

Jun 25, 2019

In today's episode you're learning how to become unstuck... 

So many of us feel like we're "Doing all the things" but are spinning our wheels. I get it, I used to do the same thing. I wish I'd be better, I wish I didn't have all these issues.. I wish something would actually work! 

The thing is, I was putting all my...

Jun 17, 2019

Every season in life comes a new life lesson. It's up to us to learn the lesson or to ignore it... Well, I was ignoring the lesson for a while and it hit me in the face a few times and then knocked me off my feet with a broken toe. 

I had a few hard lessons lately and I'm happy that I'm far enough out of the pain to...

Jun 4, 2019

If you have a thyroid disorder, then THIS episode is your golden little nugget! 

Today I share with you WHY you're not seeing any changes or feeling any different after you go see your doctor. Many of us thyroid warriors think that if we get our numbers in the "normal" range THEN and only then will we start to "FEEL...