Nov 10, 2020
Are you trying all the things you read/see on social media in
hope that it'll work for you?
Some people swear by gluten free.
Some people swear that keto is the way to go.
Or swear by intermittent fasting.
BUT... what's right for you?
In today's episode of the Nutrition's My Life Podcast, I'm sharing
with you why it's important to keep focused on yourself vs.
constantly looking at what everyone else is doing.
I'm sharing with you the secrets to reaching your goals - it's not
restricting you anymore I promise. It's actually the opposite. Tune
in to learn more!
In today's episode I shared a bit about my Mind Your Gut
Program and why it's a great place to learn more about food,
healthy mindsets and healthy habits. Of course you focus strongly
on anti-inflammatory and gut health because 80% of the immune
system lies within the digestive walls. If you're wanting to feel
better and see transformations, your gut needs to be better
Join the self paced edition of the Mind Your Gut
Program here.