Oct 27, 2023
Weight stigmas
According to many health professionals (ahmmm doctors!)
If you're in a bigger body- all your health problems are because of your weight.
If you're in a bigger body- you must be gorging yourself with food all day long.
If you're in a thin body- you are either underweight and need to gain or you can't have certain health conditions because you're in a small body and those health conditions only happen in bigger bodies.
As a dietitian I'm sick of it! I'm sick and tired of hearing doctors tell my patients to fast for 2 days each week or to do the keto diet etc.. I'm sick and tired of doctors blaming everything on weight for some people and ignoring health concerns of others.
Doctors, physician assistants, nurse practioners, and other
health providers- do better!
On today's episode of the Nutrition's My Life Podcast, I'm sharing
with you my experience as a dietitian- what I hear while on
sessions and better ways to speak to our patients. This is me
talking to doctors.... Have you ever thought of asking your
1.Does your body allow you to do all the things you want it
2. How do you feel about your body (optional: when you look in the
3. Where do you see yourself 6-12 months from now if you continue
your current eating habits?
4. How much sleep do you get every night?
5. Do you feel rested upon waking up?
6. Do you wake up in the middle of the night
(questions 4-6 need to be asked becuase we know that sleep apnea or
insomnia etc can mess with our hormones [like our hunger and
fullness hormones], can mess with our digestion etc)
7. Do you poop every day? (if someone isn't pooping daily, it's a
good indicator they've either inadvertently messed up their
metabolism or not eating enough fiber rich foods)
8. Are you skipping any meals? (many times people that skip meals
have slowed down their metabolism)
If you're a patient and a doctor is not giving you the advice
you're looking for or needing for your nutrition or health- please
ask for a dietitian referral OR if you're a provider, please refer
your patients to a dietitian.
Today's episode is 40 minutes long- I did get fired up about this
topic and I know you will too!
If you enjoyed this episode, please tag me @nutritionsmylife in a
post / story or share this episode with family and friends
(or your doctor lol).
To work with Nicole, visit www.nutritionsmylife.com