Jan 23, 2023
Weight loss medications - Part two
Last episode we talked about weight loss medications and their
mechanism of action- plus whom they're starting to target these
medications towards.
Part two to this topic, weight loss medications, is all about
understading the population that is using them and how their bodies
work. And how to achieve weight loss for these different health
For example, people with hypothyroidism or Hashimotos thyroiditis
tend to have a slower and sluggish digestive tract. The weight loss
medications cause a slower digestive tract, which could result in
constipation, bloating, and dysbiosis (or bad bacteria in digestive
These medications have their time and place. These medications can
be a life saver for some but my concern is that they're being
overprecribed and also, are intended to be taken for life. As
studies show that once off the medication, you'll gain 2/3rds of
your body weight back. Also, there are no long term studies- so
what happens at year 5 or 10?
These are just my thoughts and perspective of being a thyroid and
metabolism expert.
To learn more about your metabolism, check out my book- The Healthy Thyroid
You can always visit my website, www.nutritionsmylife.com for more information or to work with me too!